Monday, November 4, 2019

Self Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Self Assessment - Assignment Example There are different tools and mechanisms that have been designed to not only examine a person’s character traits, but also use this information in practical evaluation and classification activities (Archer & Smith, 2008). Commonly referred to as the Big Five personality test, the five-factor of model of personality is an important personality analysis tool. The entire assessment presented in this character analysis tool is founded of five important dimensions forming part of the reason for human behavior. The five dimensions of human behavior comprise of agreeableness, extroversion, openness to experience, emotional stability, and conscientiousness. People vary from each other with regards to their utility of these dimensions undergirding social behavior. The difference in the applicability of these qualities from one person to another is the basis through which this study test classifies people into distinct groups (Groth-Marnat, 2003). According to results from the Big Five test, there are important personal traits I learnt about myself. The test was designed to examine 15 different elements and each of this was important in the general study of my character trait. According to the Big Five test, I scored an eight on extraversion tests and the test gave me 11 on agreeableness related study. I had 13 on the conscientiousness and emotional stability tests. The analysis on openness-to-experience was giving me an overall score of eight. The element of agreeableness is used to assess to what level a person is good-natured, trusting and cooperative. Conscientiousness is used in the study of a person’s responsibility, persistence, and dependability levels. This test also analyzes the nature and level of achievement focus in a person. The test analyzed the element of extraversion through assessing how sociable a person was, how reserved they tend to be, and whether they are a quiet or talkative person. Personally, I am a bit quiet and reserved. I

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